Cases of BSE continued to fall in 2006

IRELAND - Figures released this afternoon indicate that the incidence in Ireland of the cattle brain disease, BSE, continues to decline. There were 41 cases during the past year, compared to 69 last year and over 300 four years ago.
calendar icon 22 December 2006
clock icon 1 minute read
The disease had a huge impact on the beef industry over the past 15 years. Fears that eating contaminated meat could affect people were confirmed a decade ago when BSE was linked to a human form of the disease, variant CJD.

A recent report suggested that four people in the Republic have died from new variant CJD in the past decade. Some of them had lived abroad for long periods and may have become infected here.

However, meat exports have recovered from the crisis. The Government here introduced a range of measures to reassure consumers and protect important export outlets. One of the most costly measures was the slaughter of an entire herd when even one animal contracted the disease.

Source: RTE NEWS
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