New speaker series showcases agriculture's role in global nutrition
Farm Journal Foundation kicked off its annual Speaker Series with an event highlighting agriculture’s unique role in addressing challenges to global nutrition.The event, featuring a global panel of experts from the agricultural industry, scientific community, academia, and farmers, was the first in a five-part series of online webinars about the nexus of agriculture and nutrition. Panelists discussed the importance of increasing crop and dietary diversity, improving the nutritional quality of the food we eat, food provenance, and building sustainable food systems that nourish both people and the planet.
“There is very much an interconnected relationship between agriculture and nutrition, but we do not always see this reflected in policy, in the way that we serve communities, and the implementation of programming,” said Tricia Beal, the CEO of Farm Journal Foundation. “Our goal for the series this season is to explore these issues through critical thought and systemic thinking.”
The event was moderated by author Roger Thurow, who is currently a scholar in residence at the Hunger Solutions Institute at Auburn University and a senior fellow at the Chicago Council on Global Affairs. Dr. Sally Rockey, the executive director of the Foundation for Food & Agriculture Research, was the keynote speaker. Panelists included Krysta Harden, president and CEO of the U.S. Dairy Export Council, Dr. Cedric Habiyaremye, founder and CEO of QuinoaHub, and Mike and Edie McMahon, the owners of E-Z Acres dairy farm in New York and Farmer Ambassadors with Farm Journal Foundation.
Farm Journal Foundation’s annual Speaker Series works in partnership with six student organizations and 15 universities, a number of which include the program as part of their curriculum. This week’s event was held in conjunction with the Within Reach: Zero Hunger conference hosted by the Deaton Institute at the University of Missouri.
To view a replay of the event, click here.
The next Speaker Series event, covering the evolving relationship between consumers and food, will take place on 28 April via Zoom and Facebook Live. Click here to register.