Anthrax Outbreak Reported in Odessa
UKRAINE - Dr Andrii Zhuk, First Deputy Head of the State Service of Ukraine on Food Safety and Consumer Production, has reported an outbreak of Anthrax in Odessa.
The outbreak initially started on 29 September and was confirmed on 3 October after a bacteriological examination was carried out at the Odessa Regional State Laboratory of State Service of Ukraine on Food Safety and Consumer Protection, after which an immediate notification was sent to the World Organisation for Animal Health (OIE) on 5 October.
One head of cattle was found infected by the bacillus anthracis strain and was killed and disposed of.
The OIE reports that several measures have been applied to prevent further spread of the diseases. These measures include:
- Movement control inside the country,
- Surveillance outside containment and/or protection zone,
- Surveillance within containment and/or protection zone,
- Traceability,
- Official disposal of carcasses, by-products and waste,
- Zoning and
- Disinfection
While the affected animal did not receive any treatment, vaccination has been permitted in future outbreaks.
The cause of the Anthrax outbreak has not yet been determined.
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