Hard Discounters Continue to Improve Liquid Milk Share
UK - The hard discounters (Aldi & Lidl) have continued to increase their market share of liquid milk, largely at the expense of the top five multiple retailers and independents, according to UK levy board AHDB Dairy.The top five multiples and independents have lost sales due to a decrease in household penetration, the frequency of purchase and the amount brought per trip, which has been quite significant for the independents.
However, the hard discounters continue to go from strength to strength with household penetration (for total liquid milk), at arguably the highest level they (Aldi and Lidl combined) have ever seen, at 49.7 per cent according to Kantar Worldpanel. This is up from 43.4 per cent from two years ago.
One of the main reasons for this growing market share could be price, with the hard discounters averaging 43 pence per litre (ppl) rather than the 55ppl seen at the top five multiples and 70ppl seen at the independents.
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