Colombia to Import Breeding Cattle from US

COLOMBIA - Colombia's Agricultural Institute (ICA) has authorised imports of breeding cattle from the US, in an effort to improve the competitiveness of the cattle sector.
calendar icon 3 December 2015
clock icon 1 minute read

Working together with the US' Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service (APHIS), the ICA said that sanitary measures for the importation of breeding animals had been successfully established.

Head of the ICA, Luis Humberto Martinez Lacouture, said: "Importantly, the imported animals are of a high genetic value, which will allow farmers in the country to improve the genetics of their holdings and make production more efficient."

"The negligible risk level achieved by the United States for BSE, and measures of risk management for other limiting conditions of international trade, allowed us to define the viability of imports, with sanitary measures that will ensure safe trade between the two countries," he said.

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