Arla Farmers Should Watch New Antibiotics Standards

EUROPE – A cooperative’s own farm assurance programme is to be rolled out across its UK suppliers this month, bringing new standards on antibiotics and medicine usage.
calendar icon 8 October 2015
clock icon 2 minute read

Arla’s 3,000 British farmers will be joining colleagues in Denmark, Sweden, Germany, Belgium and Luxembourg as they farm to Arlagarden requirements as well as remaining under Red Tractor’s watchful eye.

Adding an additional 16 requirements to Red Tractor standards, Arlagarden is a welfare, food safety and milk quality pledge, extending remit to include medicine and antibiotics use.

Arla's Arlagarden standards will be rolled out in October

Arla has said suppliers will be assessed for both schemes at once.

Peter Edmondson, Arla’s consultant vet, said it was 'absolutely crucial' that Arla farmers work closely with their vets to agree how they will meet the new standards relating to antibiotics.

“We’ve taken the opportunity to meet with vets to outline Arla’s approach so they are in a position to support Arla farmers along the way," said Mr Edmondson.

“This is just the beginning of our journey and it is essential that we build on these foundations to deliver the standards in the long term.”

Red Tractor logos will continue appearing on Arla’s products, a feature that has “delighted” the brand, chief Executive David Clarke said.

“We welcome Arla's continued, long-term commitment to the Red Tractor scheme,” said Mr Clarke.

“We have worked in partnership with Arla to ensure Red Tractor continues to be at the core of dairy farm assurance assessments for Arla farmers and that they are delivered in an efficient way, specifically to avoid any duplication.”

Requirements of the programme are being laid out to vets and farmers. Around 300 vets have attended Arlagarden seminars and 60 farmer workshops have been scheduled to help those maintain standards. 

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