North and East Spain Free of Bluetongue Serotype One

SPAIN – Spanish livestock farms in northern and eastern Spain have been officially declared free of Bluetongue, leaving an infected area to the south west.
calendar icon 17 June 2015
clock icon 1 minute read

A pan-industry approach has been credited, involving private and state veterinarians working with producers.

However, the core focus area of the disease in central and southern Spain remains under heavy restrictions, say government sources.

Mandatory vaccination, livestock movement control and the establishment of a national study programme were set up in response to outbreaks.

Livestock movement laws and mandatory vaccinations still apply to the at-risk zone of central area of Spain, stretching from the south coast up into the districts of Madrid, Avila and Salamanca.

A government spokesperson said: “This declaration represents an important step in the fight against the disease.

But they added it was “necessary to maintain surveillance measures in order to early detect possible new reintroduction of the virus, thereby allowing rapid control of the situation and minimizing the direct and indirect consequences caused by the disease.”

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