"Don't Knock Others" in Dairy Farming

UK – Large dairy farms are not to be feared but a valid part of a varied milk production system in which all scales and systems of operations play a valuable part.
calendar icon 17 March 2015
clock icon 1 minute read

This was what last week’s DairyCo conference in Wales heard during the “Communicating with the consumer” talk, at which Powys farmer, Fraser Jones, said “there is no right or wrong” type of dairy.

He said: “It is great that we have different farming systems and farm sizes in the UK, it is important we celebrate all types.’

“We must be proud of our industry and shout about it.’’

Dairy public relations expert Amy Jackson shared his message. “Don’t knock others,’’ she said. Ms Jackson had investigated whether the public could learn to love the mega-dairy.

She believed farmers could learn from companies such as Gressingham Foods, which had a policy of engaging with the local community ahead of any new development. It also pre-empted future development by ensuring good landscaping was in place before an application was submitted.

And yet she also discovered that there was a big demand for small farm products. “There is a nostalgia for brands from family farms, there is a real opportunity to add value,” she added.


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