Livestock Forum Set to Go Social

AUSTRALIA - In continuing to engage more closely with producers, the Victorian Farmers Federation’s Livestock Group will kick off a series of open forums – beginning in Hamilton this September.
calendar icon 26 August 2013
clock icon 2 minute read

The forums, open to both VFF members and non-members will also include guest speakers and themes.

"The point of our Livestock Group and the VFF is to listen to farmers," VFF Livestock President, Ian Feldtmann said.

"We have been active in running forums across the state on issues such as OJD, Animal Welfare Standards and Guidelines as well as broader animal health and biosecurity issues."

This will be the first of what is hoped to be many events rolled out across Victoria.

In recognising the growing influence and use of social media in agriculture to talk about real issues, AgChatOZ cofounder and VFF Public Affairs Advisor Tom Whitty will speak.

"I think many people have this idea that farmers aren’t interested in Facebook or Twitter. But its not the case. Its potential is enormous and often misunderstood. I will admit for one that I am looking forward to getting a crash course in the world of social media.

"Our livestock team and the VFF have lead the way in the use of new media technologies to communicate to both VFF members and the wider community.

"At the VFF Livestock conference, we heard from Catherine Marriott who told us that social media offers producers opportunities to share their story and communicate directly to Ministers, media and consumers."

Weekly Times’ Western Victoria Insights reporter and Hamilton local, Kate Dowler will also speak about the role of the media in agriculture.

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