Western Ohio Manure Application Technology Field Day July 31st

US - Livestock producers and others interested in learning more about manure application technology are encouraged to attend the Western Ohio Manure Application Technology Field Day being held on Wednesday July 31st (rain date August 1st) at the corner of Stelzer and Olding Roads near Maria Stein in Mercer County.
calendar icon 25 July 2013
clock icon 1 minute read
Ohio State University

The newest manure application tool being demonstrated will be the Nutrient Boom. This tool has been developed for the application of dairy manure to standing corn.

The toolbar is pulled across the field by a Cadman hose while manure is being pumped through the system. Manure can be applied multiple times during the growing season to increase silage or grain yields while making excellent use of the dairy manure nutrients.

Several farmers in Ohio have started sidedressing corn with livestock manure using a manure tanker and incorporation toolbar. Manure tankers can be adapted for corn rows by utilizing narrow wheels and wheel spacers. At this field day corn will be sidedressed using a tanker and Dietrich toolbar.

The field day will also discuss Cover Crops as a 2nd Forage. Presenters will discuss cover crops that livestock producers can utilize that make great use of the nutrients in livestock manure and can be also harvested later in the season.

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