TB and Brucellosis Tests Imposed By Ministry

CHILE - Ministry testing of 67 cattle used on small cheese producing farms in the Biobio region has been imposed to safeguard consumers from zoonotic diseases.
calendar icon 9 May 2013
clock icon 2 minute read

In a bid to rid six farms of Brucellosis and Tuberculosis three round of tests will be applied. Brucellosis testing will occur every 90 days and tuberculosis are scheduled at 180-240 day intervals.

Because of the inherent risk to human health, the Agriculture and Livestock Service (SAG) is trying to control the disease burden on the farms that provide cheese to Los Angeles, Chile.

“It is important to know the health status of the herds which produce cheese or other dairy products, which are sold in the city of Los Angeles,” said Roca Perez, Chief of the SAG Bureau. “These are the first tests done to these animals, which are part of a programme of control and eradication of these diseases, which aim to leave the six farm disease free."

Economic losses are felt by farms because of the diseases. Farmer cooperation is vital, according Eduardo Jiminez Fuhrer, Regional Manager of Animal Protection.

"The success of these projects depends heavily on the participation and collaboration of farmers,” said Mr Fuhrer. “The main beneficiaries are themselves and of course consumers and the country. The purpose of these initiatives is to improve the quality and health of livestock products and by-products."

Ministry warnings have advised that people working with livestock should be aware of cattle health status. Furthermore, people drinking unpasteurised milk or working in direct contact with animals whether in slaughterhouses or on farms, should be aware of dangers.

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