Feed Pressure Lead to Calls For Help
INDIA – Severe drought and feed price pressure has caused milk production and profits to significantly drop meaning farmers await for state relief.Feed market fluctuations are affecting calf rearing enterprises which had previously kept some enterprises afloat in times of volatility, according to the New India Express.
Farmers have been struggling against steep prices that have recently touched ‘unprecedented levels’. The New India Express has reported a 30-40 per cent fodder rise with farmers stating 50 kilo bags offeed are costing 1000 Rupees up from 600.
The impact on milk yields is inevitable with cows producing 10 litres a day requiring as much as 4 kg of feed, according to the Tamil Nadu Milk Producer’s Association in Vellore.
Supplementary oil cake and hay supplies are scarce and farmers and this is lifting price. Mr Sundaramurthy who farms in the Tiruvarur district quoted prices of Rs50/kg for oil cake rising from around Rs 35 .
Both milk quality and quantity are taking a hit. Cost of production for a litre is Rs 26- 28.
Hopes are pinned on the announcement of a relief package from Chief Minister J. Jayalithaa which promises to boost fodder production.
Higher procurements prices or Rs 25 per litre have been requested to the government.
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