Home-Grown Feed on the Menu for Dairy

US - Dairy farming in challenging economic conditions is the focus of a number of field days in the Murray region next week as part of Dairy Australia’s Tactics for Tight Times campaign.
calendar icon 19 October 2012
clock icon 2 minute read

The Department of Primary Industries Victoria and Murray Dairy will deliver the Tactics for Tight Times field days on farms in Tongala on 23 October, Tragowel on 24 October and Katunga on 25 October.

Tactics for Tight Times has been developed as a levy-funded initiative to support farmers through challenges in the 2012/13 season including dropping milk prices and increasing input prices.

The three field days will focus on making the most of home grown pastures over summer with a particular emphasis on grazing management, irrigation management and fertiliser management.

Murray Dairy executive officer, Sarah Parker, said the field days will provide a forum for discussion where farmers can work through key management decisions about home grown feed to maximise land and water use and minimise the use of purchased feeds this summer.

“Dairy farmers are currently under some pressure with the milk price down eight to ten per cent for 2012 which has increased the challenges around on-farm cash flow and profitability,” Ms Parker said.

“Dairy farmers are currently under some pressure with the milk price down eight to ten per cent for 2012 which has increased the challenges around on-farm cash flow and profitability,” Ms Parker said.

“These field days will allow farmers to discuss strategies about home grown feed such as summer crops and the best time to dry off pastures in an informal setting where they can ask plenty of questions.”

RSVP by 22 October to Tom Farran, DPI Tatura on (03) 5833 5297 or email [email protected]

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