High SCC Levels Could Hit Farmer Incomes
UK - Latest GB Somatic Cell Count (SCC) figures averaged 203,000/ ml in August 2012. This was 8,000/ml (4.1 per cent) more than July and was the highest figure since September 2009. What is also interesting is the swing in SCC values during 2012, writes DairyCo.While SCC levels do increase seasonally, 2012
saw SCC values increase by 26,000/ml (14.7 per cent) between
February and August 2012. The last swing of this nature was
seen in 2009.
Poor weather this summer will have had an effect
as cows are more likely to have been exposed to risk factors,
increasing the instances of Mastitis. As well as the cost in
terms of treatment and loss of milk, the milk price is also likely to
come under pressure for some farmers on SCC payment
boundaries. Over the last 12 months, several processors have
tightened the banding on SCC levels with bonuses linked to
lower rates than in previous years.
Weather conditions this summer have been
severe and have indeed been a key driver in SCC values
However, it now more important than ever that
farmers look to reduce the risk where possible, so that
increases in SCC values are kept to a minimum and farmers
do not lose out on bonuses or get penalised.
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