FUW Johne's Disease TV Item Praised By USA University
UK - A new video by the Farmers’ Union of Wales about Johne’s disease control in dairy cattle herds has attracted positive feedback from the University of Wisconsin’s veterinary medicine school. The educational video production by the FUW is described on the school’s Johne’s information centre’s website as a “well-made 9 minute video”.
It can be found on the union’s website in a new section called FUW TV where other productions cover farm visits, charity events and the union’s promotion of Farmhouse Breakfast Week.
“The aim of FUW TV is to represent grass roots farmers and make farming issues and policies more accessible to our members and supporters through the medium of video broadcast,” said FUW press officer Anne Birkett.
“We were pleased with the positive feedback we have had so far and look forward to further productions in the future,” Miss Birkett added.
The video productions can also be viewed on the union’s youtube homepage or on facebook.
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