Surrey FMD Restrictions Lifted
SURREY - The Surveillance Zone put in place in the Egham area around the second set of outbreaks, which occurred during September, has been removed.The move, which will come as a huge relief to livestock farmers in the area, does not quite signal the end of the restrictions.
The wider Restricted Zone, and movement restrictions that apply in this zone, will remain in place.
Defra said extensive surveillance had now been completed in the FMD Surveillance Zone and no further cases of FMD have been discovered. There have been eight outbreaks in total in Surrey since early August, the last of which was confirmed on September 30.
Deputy Chief Veterinary Officer, Fred Landeg, said: “Animal Health have completed extensive surveillance work in the FMD Surveillance Zone and the negative results now allow us to lift the Surveillance Zone which will be welcome news to many farmers.
Source: FarmersGuardian