Cattle Futures - Live Cattle Steady-Weak
US - Live cattle closed steady to weak on cash prices that were consistent with October futures trading. October/December forward and December/February bear positioning were common throughout the session.Beef futures inched upward amid back-and-forth spreading between October and December. And, CBOT corn's dramatic slide opened the door for rear-month cattle futures buyers.
At one point, cattle contracts abruptly surged to morning highs that triggered floor speculation of a possible cash deal that at the time could not be confirmed. Spot-October reached a high of 97.80-cents despite weak midday boxed beef quotes.
The U.S. Department of Agriculture's midday boxed beef wire on Friday showed choice and select cuts down $0.76 and $0.41 per hundredweight, respectively.
There was word later that a few cattle in Texas and Kansas brought up to $96.50 per hundredweight on a live basis. That, a broker said, made guys feel more comfortable about pricing spot-October cattle at around $97 which caused October to pullback to steady money by the close.