EU Milk Cheapest In Poland
POLAND - Milk and cheese products are more than twice as expensive in the rest of the 27 European countries than in Eastern Europe, according to a Eurostat report.The report suggests that despite most countries adopting a common currency, a wide variation between countries still exists, and the EU has a long way to go before prices stabilise.
In 2006, milk and cheese prices varied up to 72 per cent depending on the country, the report states.
According to Eurostat statistics, the most expensive country for milk and cheese is Cyprus, where these products cost 39 per cent more than the EU27 average, closely followed by Greece, where they cost 38 per cent more.
The least expensive countries for milk and cheese are all in Eastern Europe, the report suggests.
The cheapest pint of milk can be found in Poland, which is 33 per cent cheaper than the average, whereas dairy products in Latvia, Lithuania and Slovakia are all 25 per cent cheaper.