Now Is The Time To Vaccinate For Anthrax

US - Even though 2006 was a quiet year for anthrax cases in the region, NDSU Extension Veterinarian Dr. Charlie Stoltenow encourages livestock producers to have their animals vaccinated against this deadly condition, before they are turned out to pasture for the spring and summer months.
calendar icon 12 June 2007
clock icon 1 minute read
And Dr. Susan Keller, North Dakota state veterinarian, pointed out that recent heavy rainfall in parts of North Dakota should give livestock producers an extra incentive to take protective measures against anthrax.

“Producers in areas that have had a recent history of anthrax should vaccinate their cattle and horses as soon as possible, if they have not already done so,” Keller said. “Producers in these areas and throughout the state should be monitoring their herds for unexpected deaths and reporting them to their veterinarians or to animal health authorities.”

The state suffered a high loss due to anthrax in 2005, with more than 500 confirmed cases and total losses were estimated at more than 1,000 head. Cattle made up the majority of that number, but bison, horses, sheep, llamas and farmed deer and elk also fell victim to anthrax.

The problem was almost non-existent in 2006, with only five confirmed cases.

“Thanks in part to an extensive educational effort by veterinarians and extension encouraging producers to vaccinate their animals, we had only five confirmed cases last year,” Keller said. “Producers should consult with their veterinarians to ensure that the vaccination schedule for their animals is maintained.”

Source: Farm & Ranch Guide
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