Large Dairy Producer fined in wastewater case

WISCONSIN – Maple Leaf Dairy Inc., 6832 County Trunk X, Cleveland, one of the largest dairy farms in the state, will have to pay nearly $60,000 in fines and other costs according to a settlement the dairy reached with the state Department of Justice.
calendar icon 29 December 2006
clock icon 1 minute read
The dairy, owned by Todd Leiteritz, was ordered to pay fines for violating its wastewater management permit and causing a pair of manure spills in 2005 into Fischer Creek, a tributary of Lake Michigan.

The state claimed that the two Maple Leaf discharges of manure in September and October 2005 depleted game fish, degraded water quality and destroyed habitat. The state estimates stream recovery of water quality, fish and habitat will take several years and require stocking to reestablish fish populations.

Maple Leaf Dairy will pay $58,938 in fines including $2,625 for fish replacement costs, $20,000 for stream restoration costs, $6,060 in investigation costs by the Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources, and other costs, according to the settlement filed at the Manitowoc County Circuit Court on Dec. 27. The dairy has 30 days to pay the fines once the the settlement is final.

Source: Herald Times
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