IFA Welcomes clarification on 2007 dairy hygiene scheme investment limit

IRELAND - IFA Rural Development Committee Chairman Padraic Divilly has welcomed the announcement by Agriculture Minister Mary Coughlan that the Dairy Hygiene Scheme will have a separate investment limit to the new general Farm Improvement Scheme which will apply in 2007.
calendar icon 7 December 2006
clock icon 1 minute read

Mr. Divilly said a separate upper investment limit of €120,000 will apply for the Dairy Hygiene Scheme with increased limits for bulk tanks at €25,000 and milking machines at €40,000. Also, feeding systems will be included in the grant aid which have been excluded in the past.

The IFA Rural Development Chairman said the announcement by the Minister reflects recent discussion between IFA and the Department of Agriculture. Mr. Divilly said that if a dairy farmer in 2007 who has Dairy Hygiene investment and further investment for slurry storage, he will qualify for a 40% grant on up to €120,000 under each scheme. This would mean the maximum drawdown on grant aid would be €48,000 for Dairy Hygiene and €48,000 for slurry storage and other investment. In the case of young farmers less than 35 years of age, the grant will increase by a further 10% to 50% irrespective of when the farmer was set up.

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