Potential for Angus exports is huge

UK - The order book is full for cattle for export to the Continent after a breed promotion by the Aberdeen-Angus Cattle Society at three European shows.
calendar icon 1 December 2006
clock icon 1 minute read

The export push has been led by the society's president Nigel Hammill and chief executive Ron McHattie, who last month, along with other breeders, manned breed promotional stands at Eurotier in Hanover, Germany; Polagra in Poznan, Poland; and Indagra in Bucharest, Romania.

Potential buyers from Germany and Estonia will be at the Black Beauty Bonanza show at Thainstone Centre, Inverurie, Aberdeenshire, next week and a large party of German breeders planned to attend the Perth bull sales in February.

Since the lifting of the live export ban earlier this year, more than 200 Aberdeen Angus cattle have gone to Estonia, Germany, Switzerland, Romania and France.

Mr Hammill said: "This is just a start. The potential is massive and is largely being driven by demand for Aberdeen Angus cattle in Russia, where a quality beef industry is developing fast."

Source: icTeeside

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