Your Voice in Fresh Start!

UK - This is an opportunity for levy payers to input into the activities of the new Levy Board and Sector Companies!
calendar icon 14 November 2006
clock icon 1 minute read

In June 2006, DEFRA announced the radical restructuring of the existing levy boards. The new levy board structure will come into place in April 2008 (beef and lamb (England), cereals, horticulture, milk, pigs, and potatoes). In addition there will be a separate red meat body for Scotland and for beef and lamb in Wales.

The structure and functions of the new Levy Board UK and the Sector Companies will depend on the outcome of the currently ongoing Fresh Start exercise.

Fresh Start aims to (i) identify the needs of levy payers and (ii) consider how these needs can be best met. It is a bottom up exercise, in other words it aims to consider first and foremost the views of levy payers to ensure that their needs are realistically reflected in the new arrangements.

This is your chance to contribute! For your opportunity to input into Fresh Start please go to the following link –
If you are a producer please click here: .

If you are a processor or trader please click here: .

The survey will be available until the end of November. It should take about 15 minutes to complete and is completely confidential.

More information on the levy Board Fresh Start exercise and Levy Board reform can be found on the Defra Website: News Desk

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