Verdict is out on new fodder code until it’s implemented on ground: AGFORCE
AUSTRALIA - Following the release of the revised Vegetation Management Act fodder code yesterday, AgForce believes the Queensland Government must act quickly and develop plain English guides so producers can practically implement code changes on the ground and see whether or not harvesting mulga as a feed source has become more workable.AgForce spokesman Stephen Tully said AgForce was reserving its judgment on the announced fodder code changes until farmers can see for themselves whether or not the system has improved and become more practical and sensible.
"It’s critical these plain English guides come out as soon as possible as the South West continues to be in the grip of drought and producers are using mulga as the main feed source for stock.
“Time is of the essence, the revised codes have just been released and the government needs to work quickly to resolve the outstanding permit issues some farmers are still facing.”
Mr Tully said the angst caused to producers by the inflexibility of the fodder code showed it should be removed from the Vegetation Management Act once and for all.
“AgForce will continue to fight strongly for the Act to be amended and fodder harvesting removed as this is all about harvesting, not clearing, and is essential to the environmental management of the land,’’ he said.
“In the meantime, AgForce is working hard now to provide our producers with help in preparing fodder plans to manage the new code changes so we can get some resolution on an issue that has dogged the South West for the past three years.
” Mr Tully said unfortunately the revised fodder codes did not take into account all the recommendations of the independent Boyland Report.
“All those recommendations should have been adopted and we are particularly concerned with the code only allowing harvesting of up to four hectares particularly in western areas of the mulga lands,’’ he said.
“That is not workable and we will continue to pressure the government on this, all the recommendations of the Boyland Report need to be implemented as this report recognises the needs of farmers utilising this resource while ensuring environmental outcomes for all.”