'Temple Grandin' Movie Applauded

US - The American Humane Association and the Federation of Animal Science Societies (FASS) have praised the new movie, Temple Grandin, which aired Saturday, 6 February.
calendar icon 10 February 2010
clock icon 2 minute read

The movie depicts the life of Temple Grandin as a young woman struggling with the challenges of autism to become a successful doctor of animal science through her unique connection to animals. Dr Grandin is widely recognised within the animal welfare and livestock-handling industries as a pioneer in the ethical treatment of animals.

"Dr Grandin brings recognition to the significant role that animal science plays in the welfare of all animals. Her desire to be a scientist and her special insights into farm animal production led to many innovative livestock production systems that have benefited both animals and the people raising and handling animals," said Maynard Hogberg, Ph.D., immediate past president of FASS.

"Temple Grandin's innovative work has dramatically impacted animal welfare and livestock production for the benefit of animals, people and agriculture," said Tim Amlaw, director of American Humane® Certified, the farm animal welfare programme. "Her unique perspective from the animals' point of view and her dedication to science have given validity to the importance of animal welfare in production of food."

"Dr Grandin has brought about science-based farm animal welfare standards, which have been widely adopted by the animal industries and food retailers," said John McGlone, Ph.D., who chairs the FASS Animal Care Committee. "Her work has provided important recognition of the relationship of animal science and humane animal care within sustainable production systems."

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