Liberation Diet Promotes Raw Milk Consumption

US - A group of natural and whole food liberators is promoting the effects of drinking milk. But not just any milk, it must be raw
calendar icon 4 June 2009
clock icon 2 minute read

"Few people are aware that clean, raw milk from grass-fed cows was actually used as a medicine in the early part of the last century," reports Kevin Brown, owner of Visionary Trainers, the largest in-home personal training firm in New Jersey and the tri-state area and author of the Liberation Diet.

A group of natural and whole food liberators is promoting the effects of drinking milk. But not just any milk, it must be raw.

"Raw milk is a misnomer, suggesting that all milk has to be cooked," reports Kevin Brown, owner of Visionary Trainers, the largest in-home personal training firm in New Jersey and the tri-state area and author of the Liberation Diet, a new book supporting the need to go back to eating real food while removing processed junk food from diets. "People have been drinking milk for thousands of years, and it isn't until recently that cows have been fed an adjusted diet to increase milk quantities, creating mal-nourished cattle and poor qualities of milk."

"In the late 19th century, distilleries sprang up in most major cities to meet the soaring demand for spirits," Brown says. "Entrepreneurs confined cows adjacent to the distillery and feed them the swill left over from the spirit-making process."

The effects of distillery dairy milk produced bluish-colored milk, poor in quality and not fit for resale. This combined with sick workers, dirty hands, diseased animals and contaminants in unsanitary milk pails caused diseases to emerge.

"Once cattle were fed slop coming from the leftover grains after the distillery process was done, the milk coming from the cattle was toxic, resulting in a spike in infant deaths," reports Brown. The sterilizing of the milk to kill food borne illnesses was borne.

"Few people are aware that clean, raw milk from grass-fed cows was actually used as a medicine in the early part of the last century," Brown says. "Clean, raw milk from pastured cows is a complete and properly balanced food; you could live on it exclusively if you had to."

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